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6th Mayoral Forum Quito
The 6th Mayoral Forum entitled “From Large Movements to the UN Global Compacts: Cities as First Responders” will provide a platform for local leaders to discuss their role in migration governance and the implementation of the Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees, endorsed by the United Nations in late 2018. It will provide cities with an opportunity to follow up on their commitments made at the 5th Mayoral Forum in Marrakesh in December 2018, where 64 local governments signed the Marrakech Declaration and committed to be first responders in the implementation of the Global Compacts.
This year, a particular focus of the Mayoral Forum will be on large movements in the Latin American region, and the roles and needs of cities in that context. For the first time, the Forum will be an integral part of the annual Summit of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD).
For more information, please click here
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