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High-Level Seminar on Trends, Developments and Challenges in Development Cooperation at Local Level
The CIB Working Group and DeLoG are in conversation with donors and local governments active in international cooperation. On June 8th at 1:30pm – 3:30pm CEST we will meet at the High-Level Seminar on Trends, Developments and Challenges in Development Cooperation at Local Level. The event will be held in Sint-Niklaas, though participants around the world can join via Zoom.
Together, we will take a look into the newly released UCLG-CIB policy paper on decentralised development cooperation and discuss its scope and future in group workshops.
The objectives of the seminar are:
i) To start turning the policy paper into a concrete action plan, with input from our own constituency, donor community and other stakeholders
ii) To seek commitment from the donor community to partner with us in implementing the calls to action from the policy paper
More information on speakers and the set-up of the seminar can be found in the concept note attached. You can also find further information under on the CIB Working Group webpage.
Zoom Meeting details
Meeting ID: 854 2448 0185
Passcode: 325189
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