Event Archive
MOOC Strengthening Stakeholder Engagement for the Implementation and Review of the 2030 Agenda
This massive open online course (MOOC) is designed in the context of the preparation to the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) as part of an effort to strengthen the capacities of Governments to engage in an effective and meaningful way with MGoS (Major Groups and other stakeholders) as they implement and review progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This event complements a range of other capacity development activities being rolled out, among other, by UN Secretariat to meet the needs of both governments and other stakeholders with regards to the 2030 Agenda and HLPF process.
This course is a self-paced course requiring around 10-12 hours of effort in total.
The learning objectives are:
- To describe the rationale behind the need for Governments to engage with major groups and other stakeholders MGoS in formulating and reviewing SDG policies;
- To map key national stakeholders with a special focus on those who are the furthest behind;
- To assess the relevance of different models of engagement practiced by other countries as part of VNRs in their respective countries;
- To identify practical ways to engage with key national stakeholders, including. vulnerable groups, in the context of preparations for VNRs;
- To develop long-term strategies for ensuring continuous stakeholder engagement as part of regular national review processes for the SDGs.
For further information, please click here.
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