DeLoG Annual Meeting 2021
Since the founding of the DeLoG Network its members and partners have convened in person once a year to meet and network, to discuss and monitor DeLoG's annual workplan, to exchange news on past and upcoming activities and to take part in relevant strategic discussions.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and travel restictions it was decided that the Annual Meeting had to be held virtually. As an alternative to the face-to-face meeting the DeLoG Secretariat decided to organise an online version of its 16th Annual Meeting to ensure that the Network's members and partners would have the opportunity to meet and discuss with their colleagues from around the world nonetheless.
Overall DeLoG's second virtual Annual Meeting consisted of six online meetings; opening with a high-level policy dialogue, the closing with a strategic session and four thematic sessions. The sessions of the DeLoG Annual Meeting 2021adressed roadblocks and solutions, by diving into four key mechanisms to reach inclusive and resilient development at local level: informing, enabling, mobilising and adapting for inclusive and resilient DLG support. The objective of the sessions was to reflect on approaches to measure and enable resilience and inclusion in DLG support, to promote exchange on best practices in needs assessment and impact evaluation and to define key messages and identify future areas for debate and exchange within DeLoG.
Throughout all four thematic sessions live updates from the virtual meetings were posted on DeLoG's Twitter Account. The slides for all inputs can be found here:
1. Slides for the session on "Measure, Assess & Inform" hosted by ADB.
2. Slides for the session on "Adapt" hosted by UNDP.
3. Slides for the session on "Mobilise" hosted by NALAS and Norad.
4. Slides for the session on "Enable" hosted by UN-Habitat and ICLD.
Based on the proposed activities and ideas exchanged during the Annual Meeting, the DeLoG Secretariat in cooperation with its members and partners will develop new areas of engagement for the Network for 2021/22.
Please find the detailed report of the DeLoG Annual Meeting here.