UNCDF Strategic Framework 2022-2025
The UNCDF Strategic Framework 2022-2025 presents lessons learned working with public and private finance in least developed countries (LDCs). UNCDF finds that developing an impactful investment track record and investing in gender equality and women’s economic empowerment for sustainable results are central to successful programmes in LDCs. In the focus of the Strategic Framework is the new UNCDF offer: as a hybrid development organisation and development finance institution, UNCDF will deepen its engagement in the development areas of women’s economic empowerment, sustainable food systems finance, and climate, clean energy, and biodiversity finance.
Authors: UNCDF
Publisher: UNCDF
Publication Date: 2022
Copyright: UNCDF
Capacity Building for Gender Equality at the Local Level
In this publication, the CIB Working Group Secretariat analyses how UCLG’s political gender strategy influences programmes and projects at the local and regional level. Local and regional governments play an important role in creating inclusive communities and contribute to the joint achievement of the SDGs, such as the promotion of gender equality. The brochure includes technical tools, guidelines, and the results of twelve case studies.
Author: Sandra Ceciarini
Publisher: UCLG CIB
Publication Date: 2021
Copyright: UCLG CIB
Mozambique Strengthens its Commitment to Decentralization and Locally-led Inclusive Development with Support from Switzerland and UNCDF
The Government of Mozambique launched a project to channel funding via local governments to promote inclusive development and the decentralisation policy. With support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and technical assistance from UNCDF, the "Support Programme to Local Governments on Financing Local Resilient Development" aims to provide funding for locally led development and inclusive governance in three districts of Niassa Province. A central effort of the programme is capacity building and technical assistance to local authorities so that communities can actively participate in planning, budgeting, and other local governance processes in a gender-sensitive manner.
Author: Helvisney Cardoso
Publisher: UNCDF
Publication Date: 2021
Copyright: UNCDF
Development Finance for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: A 2021 Snapshot
OECD published an overview of development finance for gender equality and women’s empowerment in light of the COVID-19 crisis. As part of the publication, OECD presents data on bilateral aid to local women’s rights organisations and movements. The analysis is part of OECD Development Co-operation Directorate’s strategic analysis of financial assistance and gender. The findings feed into new guidance on gender equality and women’s empowerment in development co-operation.
Publisher: OECD
Publication Date: 2021
Copyright: OECD
Gender-sensitive Local Budgeting in Tunisia
The Tunisian NGO Aswat Nissa in partnership with Cities Alliance and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung conducted a gender-responsive budget analysis in the municipalities Beja and Medenine. The summary report that was part of Cities Alliance’s "Improving gender-mainstreaming within local public policies" programme presents the necessity for local authorities to introduce methods of integrating a gender perspective in annual budgets, as well as for the establishment of consultation mechanisms with civil society organisations.
Authors: Cities for Women Global Programme, Aswat Nissa
Publisher: Cities Alliance
Publication Date: 2021
Copyright: Cities Alliance
Understanding Past Experiences to Strengthen Feminist Responses to Crises and Forced Displacement
The Women’s Refugee Commission published a report that provides advice on how to shift to a more inclusive, anti-racist, and feminist humanitarian response to crises and forced displacement. The report was made possible by funding support from the Government of Canada provided through Global Affairs Canada. Key elements of successful humanitarian responses identified included civil society engagement, respecting the expertise of local organisations outside the field of humanitarian aid, and flexible funding options.
Authors: Feminist Humanitarian Network, Mimidoo Achakpa, Cindy Clark, Megan Daigle et al.
Publisher: Women’s Refugee Commission
Publication Date: 2021
Copyright: Women’s Refugee Commission
Gender Equality and Federalism - Opportunities and Challenges in Multilevel Governance
This publication presents the findings of the Forum of Federations’ Gender Equality and Federalism research project. Initiated in October 2018, and undertaken within the scope of the Forum’s Gender Policy Program, the project investigated the effect that federal and decentralised models of governance have on gender equality dynamics. Through analysing the existing evidence base, it aimed to extract and synthesise key learning to support the development of the knowledge base on gender equality and federal and decentralised governance. It was further designed to provide an empirical foundation upon which the Forum can draw in its governance development activities.
Authors: Christine Forster
Publisher: Forum of Federations
Publication Date: 2020
Copyright: Forum of Federations
Decentralized Governance to Reinforce Women’s Political Participation in the MENA Region
This blog article analyses the obstacles to women’s political participation in the MENA region and how the mechanisms of decentralised and multilevel governance can better support their political participation.
Authors: Ève Beauchamp
Publisher: Forum of Federations
Publication Date: 2021
Copyright: Forum of Federations
Forum of Federations Webinar: Gender Equality and Federalism
In this webinar, the Forum of Federation launched its Report on Gender Equality and Federalism. The Report examines the complex gender dynamics in federal and decentralized countries and identifies the advantages and limitations that multilevel systems present in the context of advancing gender equality in critical areas of women’s lives. Christine Forster presented the main findings and recommendations derived from her analysis.
Publisher: Forum of Federations
Publication Date: 2020
Copyright: Forum of Federations
Podcast on Gender Equality (Abstracts and Links to Recording)
In Episode One in the Gender Equality Series, the Forum of Federations speaks with experts from Australia, Ethiopia, Switzerland, Canada and Brazil on the impact of federal and decentralised governance on gender equality. The advantages and disadvantages of these systems is explored comparatively to gain an understanding on how gender equality can further be supported in these governance systems.
In the second episode, the second in the gender equality series, the Forum of Federations speaks with experts on factors impacting women’s political representation and participation in federal countries. Topics discussed include the role of men and boys in fostering gender equality and the relationship between economic empowerment and gender equality.
In this third and final episode of the gender equality series, the Forum of Federations speaks with experts about gender equality and governance in development assistance, and the work being undertaken around the world to empower women and girls. Topics discussed include the relationship between gender equality and development assistance, the approaches and achievement of Canada and Switzerland’s work in the area, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global gender equality.
Publisher: Forum of Federations
Publication Date: 2021
Copyright: Forum of Federations