Costs, benefits and the political economy of aid coordination: the case of the European Union
GDI (2016)
Although it is not possible to identify a specific, theoretical optimum level of aid coordination for the European Union, there is a broad consensus on the need for reduced transaction costs and greater impact through a stronger adherence to coordination standards. However, neither member states nor European institutions consequently follow a policy in line with a clear coordination principle. And nor do partner countries always push for more donor coordination. This article uses evidence from two country case studies, Myanmar and Rwanda, in which a conducive aid coordination environment is assumed. The former represents the new foundation of an aid architecture in a country, thus expecting the application of high aid effectiveness standards. The latter consists of a partner government with a strong leading role in aid. Although the political economy of donors and partner countries does not always favour coordination, strong recipient government leadership is crucial to align developmental objectives and clearly establish comparative advantages and division of labour among donors.
Get AccessPolicy Brief on Development Effectiveness and Local Governments
Capacity and Institution Building (CIB) Working Group of UCLG (2016)
This publication provides insight in how and to what extent local governments around the world are being involved in the development, implementation and monitoring of national development strategies, mostly through their national representative associations.
Get AccessA micro-level Analysis of the Effects of Aid Fragmentation and Aid Alignment
German Development Institute (DIE), Discussion Paper 7 (2017)
This discussion paper investigates the effects of aid fragmentation and alignment with the recipient country on infant mortality at the sub-national level within Cambodia. By combining micro panel data on infant mortality and sub-national aid data, the results of this paper indicate that the degree of aid fragmentation is of no consequence for development in the health sector. By contrast, common arrangements within programme-based approaches led to positive effects in terms of an improved health situation in the Cambodian provinces. However, the analysis does not point to any beneficial effects of the use of recipient country systems.
Get AccessHow does Civil Society Use Budget Information? Mapping Fiscal Transparency Gaps and Needs in Developing Countries
de Renzio, Paolo and Massimo Mastruzzi, IBP & GIFT (2016)
Governments around the world are slowly opening up their budgets to public scrutiny by making increasing amounts of fiscal data available, often through the use of dedicated web portals. However, often there is no adequate demand and use of budget information. This paper aims at better understanding how CSOs use budget information, and the challenged that they face when accessing it.
Get AccessGuide to Corruption-Free Local Government
UNDP (2018)
This guide is a practical instrument to assist local governments, UNDP Country Offices (COs), international organisations and civil society organisations (CSOs) to design, implement and monitor anti-corruption at the local government level. This process includes 1) corruption risk assessments; 2) integrity plans; and 3) integrity management systems that result in more transparent, effective, efficient and accountable local governments.
Get AccessEquity Budgeting Tool – How to analyse equity in public budgeting and contribute to leaving no one behind
GIZ (2019)
Equity issues are high on the international policy agenda through the principle of “Leaving no one behind” of the Agenda 2030 as well as Sustainable Development Goal 10 “Reduce inequality within and among countries”. The publication at hand aims at contributing to this endeavour by presenting the role Good Financial Governance and more specifically public budgeting can play in that regard. The aim of the Equity Budgeting Tool (EBT) is to provide practitioners with the necessary core understanding of equity, but more so offer a generic framework to analyse to what extent the reduction of inequality is reflected in the drafting and the execution of public budgets.
Get AccessBlended Finance in the Poorest Countries – The need for a better Approach
ODI (2019)
This report aims to provide hard evidence to inform the discussion on the role of blended finance in plugging the SDG financing gap in developing countries by: reviewing the amounts of private finance mobilised and estimating leverage ratios to assess the scale and potential of blended finance, analysing the blended-finance landscape of country groups and economic sectors, focusing on low-income countries (LICs), where the need for additional finance is greatest, and identifying factors likely to constrain blended finance’s potential there.
Get Access2nd High Level Forum of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation, Nairobi 2016
Nairobi Outcome Document
Get AccessDeLoG Working Paper No4
Building Country Monitoring and Evaluation Systems to Support Decentralisation Reforms
DownloadDeLoG LPS Study
Localizing Public Services and Development: The Local Public Sector’s Role i The Local Public Sector’s Role in Achieving n Achieving n Achieving Development Goals in Health and Education