Localisation and Local Humanitarian Action
The Humanitarian Practice Network (HPN) at ODI is an independent forum where field workers, managers and policymakers in the humanitarian sector share information, analysis and experience. The 79th number of HPN’s Humanitarian Exchange magazine focuses on localisation and local humanitarian action. In 2016, the establishment of the Grand Bargain Agreement aimed at ensuring that local actors' capacities to address crises are expanded. However, progress in localising aid is slow. The articles in this edition specifically discuss the link between capacity strengthening and localisation. Capacity-building for localisation is analysed in various contexts and regions, in its multi-level governance aspect and through the lens of innovative, more long-term approaches. Moreover, this publication elaborates on the collaboration between international actors and local organisations aiming to support locally-led response and recovery from COVID-19 and similar crises.
Publisher: Humanitarian Practice Network (HPN), ODI
Publication Date: 2021
Copyright: Humanitarian Practice Network (HPN), ODI
Gender, Disaster Management and the Private Sector
The report published by UNDP and OCHA provides a detailed overview of the importance of gender in the private sector and disaster preparedness, response and recovery. Development, humanitarian and private sector actors have been increasing gender mainstreaming in their planning and implementation processes. However, often, the gender dimension is not considered at the intersection of disaster management and the private sector. Developed to give an input to the Connecting Business initiative (CBi), the report's aim is to support engaging the private sector in disaster management through localised, collective and anticipatory action. The report gives a thematic overview of gender and disaster management, focusing particularly on private sector disaster management, examines gender mapping and analysis in disaster management and finally presents some case studies. A dedicated chapter on COVID-19 explains the impact of the pandemic on the discussed topics.
Author: Maria Kontro
Publisher: UNDP, OCHA
Publication Date: 2021
Copyright: UNDP, OCHA
Compendium of Inspiring Practices on Urban-Rural Linkages: Implementation of Guiding Principles and Framework for Action to Advance Integrated Territorial Development
Processes and trends like migration, climate change and urbanisation have been contributing to the divide between rural and urban areas, shifting allocation of resources and strongly affecting inequalities, polarisation and poverty in both environments. The COVID-19 pandemic drastically changed the way we live and move and stressed the importance of urban-rural linkages for service delivery, supply chains, restrictions to human mobility and much more. These linkages are key for recovery, sustainability and resilience of cities and territories. The second edition of the UN-Habitat "Compendium of Inspiring Practices on Urban-Rural Linkages" gives insights and recommendations from 17 case studies aiming at strengthening urban-rural linkages for resilience and integrated territorial development. The principles can be applied to policies, strategies, programmes and investment plans.
Author: Camilo A. Romero Mera
Publisher: UN-Habitat
Publication Date: 2021
Copyright: UN-Habitat
Applying the Degree of Urbanisation - A Methodological Manual to Define Cities, Towns and Rural Areas for International Comparisons
Developed by the European Commission, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and The World Bank, this manual aims to complement definitions of cities, towns and rural areas given by national statistical offices (NSOs) and ministries, through the degree of urbanisation, to ease the task of making international comparisons and classifying territories. Data producers, suppliers and statisticians can use the manual as a framework for methodology and to ensure coherent data collection. It is particularly interesting for subnational statistics to be used for policy and decision-making.
Publisher: European Commission
Publication Date: 2021
Copyright: European Union, FAO, UN-Habitat, OECD, The World Bank
Secondary Cities Post-Covid 19 - Achieving Urban Sustainable and Regenerative Development in Emerging Economies
16% of the world's population live in secondary cities, serving population both in metropolitan regions and smaller regional cities and rural areas. While, they are crucial in supporting response and recovery from COVID-19, they are often ignored by policies and investment especially in developing countries. In this report, Cities Alliance addresses the challenges and emerging opportunities that COVID-19 offers for investing in secondary cities. Through it, leaders and policymakers as well as other actors and stakeholders concerned with urban development globally, have access to knowledge about the development pathways and recommendations for the post-COVID-19 era.
Author: Serge Allou, Michael Cohen, Mitchell Cook, Joshua Drake, Rene Peter Hohmann, Joe Leitmann, Mike Lindfield, Omar Siddique, Jamie Simpson, Brian H. Roberts, Bernadia Tjandradewi, Clare Short
Publisher: Cities Alliance, UNOPS
Publication Date: 2021
Copyright: Cities Alliance, UNOPS
Localising the Sustainable Development Goals: An Urban Equality Perspective
How can we address the interconnection between urbanisation and inequalities? In this brief, Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality (KNOW) takes an urban equality approach to the localisation of the SDGs. It presents experiences and research from various cities to create synergies between goals, to strengthen focus on local context and thus focus on the perspective of inclusive outcomes. It also gives recommendations on how to advance on implementing such methods and processes.
Author: Stephanie Butcher, Camila Cociña, Christopher Yap, Caren Levy
Publisher: KNOW
Publication Date: 2021
Copyright: KNOW
Localising NDCs with Inspiration from the 2030 Agenda. A Closer Look at Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) and Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs)
This policy brief, developed by the Collaborative Climate Action, analyses the process and the challenges of localising the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the Paris Agreement through the lenses of the lessons learnt from localising the SDGs. It gives recommendations on the need for clear national localisation strategies and multi-level cooperation. A central instrument used are the Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) to enable a bottom-up approach.
Author: Petter Lydén, Christian Deutschmeyer
Publisher: GIZ
Publication Date: 2021
Copyright: GIZ
Practical Guidebook on Data Disaggregation for the SDGs
Since the introduction of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it has become increasingly clearer that one of the biggest challenges for the guiding principle of leaving no one behind is the lack of appropriately granular data about demography. This guidebook was developed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Statistics Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) to address the challenge of collecting, integrating and sharing disaggregated data about marginalised groups and their progress towards the SDGs. The guide is intended for statisticians, national statistics offices, planning and sector ministries just as much as for researchers, academics, civil society organisations, the private sector and information providers. Its ultimate goal is to strengthen the use of existing statistical sources, methods and tools to monitor and understand the needs of vulnerable or marginalised groups.
Publisher: ADB
Publication Date: 2021
Copyright: ADB
National Enablers for Infrastructure: Investment and Economic Development In Secondary Cities In Ghana and Uganda
It has become evident that access to investment at local level is on the one hand challenging to reach, on the other hand, an opportunity for sustainable development. The Local Economic Acceleration through Partnerships (LEAP), a joint project of the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and Cities Alliance, aims at supporting all actors involved in addressing obstacles to investment in cities. This report is a product of the implementation of LEAP in four cities in Uganda and Ghana. It explores the role of national actors for financing infrastructure and local development and provides findings and recommendations for possible activities in both countries.
Author: Nii Moi Thompson
Publisher: UNCDF, Cities Alliance
Publication Date: 2021
Copyright: UNCDF, Cities Alliance
OECD Working Papers on Fiscal Federalism
The series of OECD papers covers topics and issues related to intergovernmental fiscal relations and local/regional public finance. This includes tax and spending assignment across government levels, intergovernmental grants and local and regional public service efficiency as well as issues such as intergovernmental fiscal management and sub-central fiscal rules. The latest publications explore topics such as funding of local governments public investment and public health decentralisation in light of COVID-19. The papers are outputs of the OECD Network on Fiscal Relations Across Levels of Government.
Publisher: OECD
Publication Date: 2021
Copyright: OECD