Tutored DeLoG e-Learning Course on “Enhancing the Effectiveness of DLG Reforms” (04 April – 29 May 2022)
The e-Learning Course on “Enhancing the Effectiveness of Decentralisation and Local Governance Reforms” is one of the network’s flagship activities and has been on offer by DeLoG since 2014. In 2021, the content and methodology of the course have been substantially revised in collaboration with the ADB. Promoting gender equality, a human-rights-based approach and the LNOB-principle are reflected in all modules.
The course in 2022 will cover the following topics:
- Introduction to Decentralisation, Local Governance and Global Development Agendas;
- Modalities and Dimensions of Decentralisation;
- Sector Decentralisation and Functional Assignment;
- Measuring Performance and Promoting Accountability;
- Conceptualising and Implementing DLG Reforms;
- Frontier Issues of DLG reforms – Localisation of the SDGs, State Fragility and COVID-19.
To learn more about the course's target group, methodology and time line please take a closer look at the course announcement or sign up straight away here. Spots are limited.