"Enabling Local Governments to Tackle the COVID-19 Response and Recovery"

Recording Now Available: DeLoG Webinar with UNCDF and UNDP

"Local Authorities and the Challenge of Urban Violence"

Recording Now Available: DeLoG Webinar with VNG International

'If You Want to Go Far, Go with Many: Strengthening the Local Voice at the International Level'

DeLoG Session at the World Urban Forum 2020 (WUF10)

Local Action For and By the People: UCLG World Congress – World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders

14th DeLoG Annual Meeting 2019

'Learning and getting food for advocacy (on DLG)’
– Rolf Swart, VNG International

Joint Workshop in Cambodia

'Enhancing the Capacity of Local Governments in Localising the Sustainable Development Goals'

Joint Learning Event in Brussels

'Local Governance and Sustaining Peace in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings'


DeLoG Network Pushes for Stronger Local Voice in Global Governance


The Development Partners Network on Decentralisation and Local Governance (DeLoG) has released a groundbreaking Joint Statement calling for enhanced engagement of local and…

DeLoG Network Pushes for Stronger Local Voice in Global Governance


The Development Partners Network on Decentralisation and Local Governance (DeLoG) has released a groundbreaking Joint Statement calling for enhanced engagement of local and…

DeLoG Celebrates Milestone for Local Governments in UN Pact for the Future


The Development Partners Network on Decentralisation and Local Governance (DeLoG) is thrilled to announce a significant victory for local and regional governments…

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