About DeLoG
The 'Development Partners Network on Decentralisation and Local Governance' (DeLoG) is a network of 48 bi- and multilateral development partners and specialised institutions working in the field of Decentralisation and Local Governance (DLG). By promoting more harmonised and aligned interventions the network aims to improve development effectiveness in the field of DLG.
Established in 2006 DeLoG operates as a hub and network for knowledge exchange among different organisations as well as a platform for joint learning. Funded by the BMZ and GAC, the network’s activities are facilitated by the DeLoG Secretariat, previously hosted by GIZ in Bonn and currently hosted by UNCDF since July 1st.
Through the organisation of joint learning events (face-to-face, e-learning and in-country or regional courses) the Secretariat develops and shares the capacities and knowledge of its member organisations. Moreover, it provides analytical competency for policy formulation and dialogue concerning issues of development.
The following video demonstrates the relevance of the local level for the international development agenda and how the network operates.
By clicking on the picture or this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWRLKbtOmyM&feature=emb_logo you start playing the video on YouTube. Please note our privacy policy and the YouTube published privacy policy, which can be found at https://www.google.de/intl/de/policies/privacy/
To learn even more about the relevance of the subnational level for good governance and how decentralisation reforms can help achieve the SDGs click on the following picture or access this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19tFfvuhLEU to start playing the video on YouTube. Please note our privacy policy and the YouTube published privacy policy, which can be found at https://www.google.de/intl/de/policies/privacy/
We can only improve livelihoods when people at the local level benefit from policies and development efforts.
With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda international stakeholders have reaffirmed the importance of effective decentralisation reforms and local governance. Local institutions are indispensable partners for sustainable development. Through their proximity to citizens and communities, local institutions are able to maintain a better understanding of local needs than central governmental and administrative systems. In addition, local governments are able to adjust national and regional development strategies to the realities of their territory. This contributes to more effective resource allocation and improved development results.
DeLoG supports these efforts by building a common understanding of Decentralisation and Local Governance and by promoting more harmonised and aligned interventions in order to improve development effectiveness.
Our activities focus on
- Localising the 2030 Agenda
- Urban and Territorial Governance
- Decentralisation and Local Governance in fragile contexts
- Local Finance and Fiscal Decentralisation
What do we offer?
DeLoG is a dynamic and open network with a broad member- and partnership base.
The DeLoG network offers learning opportunities and access to knowledge in order to support the development of effective and inclusive subnational governance systems.
Therefore, DeLoG provides
- In-depth peer-to-peer exchange on policies and practices in the field of Decentralisation and Local Governance
- First-hand information on activities, events and publications in the field of Decentralisation and Local Governance
- Opportunities for partners and staff to participate in face-to-face and online courses
- Worldwide cooperation with numerous development organisations facilitated by the DeLoG Secretariat