Facilitating an interactive and cooperative e-learning experience amongst participants around the world.
Target Group
E-learning courses are open to Development Partners in the field and at HQ level who have been working on DLG and DLG-related areas for 2-5 years, for sector specialists who have been working in decentralised settings and for practitioners from public administration, CSOs and academia from all regions around the world.
Past courses and experiences
- Enhancing the Effectiveness of Decentralisation and Local Governance Reforms
(April 04 - May 29, 2022) - Enhancing the Effectiveness of Decentralisation and Local Governance Reforms
(May 3 - June 27, 2021) - Enhancing Development Effectiveness for Decentralisation and Local Governance
(April 29 – June 23, 2019) - Enhancing Development Effectiveness for Decentralisation and Local Governance
(May 7 – July 7, 2018) - Enhancing Development Effectiveness for Decentralization and Local Governance
(May 8 – July 2, 2017)
Past webinars
DeLoG Webinar: G for Gender - Barriers to Women's Participation in Informal Urban Settlements (October 2022)
DeLoG Webinar: Local Governance Indicators - The Global State of Knowledge (October 2022)
DeLoG Webinar: G for Gender - Gender-Based Violence as Political Violence Against Women (September 2022)
DeLoG Webinar: G for Gender - Women in Loval Goverments (August 2022)
DeLoG Webinar: Who Does What? Functional Assignment Challenges and How to Adress Them (May 2022)
DeLoG Webinar: G for Gender - Cities That Work for Women, Work for Everyone (May 2022)
DeLoG Webinar: Reloading Conversations on Decentralised Cooperation with CIB (April 2022)
DeLoG Webinar: Is Decentralization a Road to Peace in Africa? (December 2021)
DeLoG Webinar: Opportunities and Challenges of Property Tax Reforms for Localising the SDGs (May 2021)
DeLoG Webinar: The Role of Subnational Domestic Revenue Mobilisation for Public Service Delivery (April 2021)
DeLoG Webinar: Addressing Informality in Cities Through Inclusive Urban Governance (December 2020)
DeLoG Webinar: Decentralisation and Local Governance in Authoritarian Contexts (December 2020)
DeLoG Webinar: Creating an Enabling Environment for Localizing SDGs in Asia and the Pacific (October 2020)
DeLoG Webinar: Policies and Strategies Post Covid-19: How to strengthen Multi-level Systems in Asia (September 2020)
DeLoG Webinar: Enabling Local Governments to Tackle the COVID-19 Response and Recovery (June 2020)
DeLoG Webinar: Local Authorities and the Challenge of Urban Violence (Mai 2020)
DeLoG Webinar: World Observatory on Subnational Government Finance and Investment (SNG WOFI) (November 2019)
DeLoG Webinar: Decentralisation and Local Governance in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings (June 2019)
DeLoG Webinar: Localising the SDGs (May 2019)
DeLoG Webinar: Decentralisation and Local Governance in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings (November 2018)
DeLoG Webinar: Localising the SDGs (October 2018)
Organisation and funding
The timeframe for the course is 2 months with an estimated learning time of 2-3 hours per week. The course is accompanied by a tutor who offers general support and a thematic expert who provides context-specific expertise. E-learning courses are free of charge.