
Rebuilding With Women: Amplifying Their Voices In Ukraine's Recovery

The publication by Cities Alliance, StreetNet International, and WIEGO highlights the disproportionate impact of the war on women and girls, especially those working in the informal sector, and advocates for increased inclusion of women in the reconstruction of Ukrainian cities. Women and girls are hit hardest, as the war exacerbates existing inequalities and makes them more vulnerable to gender-based violence and exploitation. The disruption of social services, such as medical care and education has also increased the care burden on women. They are increasingly exposed to poverty, livelihood loss, and security risks, while faced with the pressure of providing for their families. The publication highlights the disruption of urban services and livelihoods, and how it is putting an additional burden on women and girls due to their social roles.

Authors: Cities Alliance, WIEGO, StreetNet International
Publisher: Cities Alliance, WIEGO, StreetNet International
Publication Date: 2022
Copyright: Cities Alliance, 
WIEGO, StreetNet International

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Decentralization, Local Governance, and Localizing SDGs in Asia and the Pacific

The publication by ADB presents effective SDG localisation strategies, factors for the effectiveness of DLG reform and conceptual analyses focusing on the country cases Nepal, Mongolia, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Pakistan. The authors examine and discuss the linkages between core concepts of decentralisation and local governance on the one hand, and the requirements and aspirations of global agendas on the other. The authors also examine responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and whether  any  lessons  can  be  learned  for  strengthening  the  existing  multi-level  arrangements. The publication addresses policymakers, scholars,  students, and practitioners with a focus on the Asia and Pacific region.

Authors: Bruno Carrasco, Hanif A. Rahemtulla, Rainer Rohdewohld, Hiranya Mukhopadhyay, Roger Shotton, Gerhard van ’t Land, Sebastian Bartsch, Gabriele (Gabe) Ferrazzi and Hans van Rijn
Publisher: Asian Development Bank
Publication Date: 2022
Copyright: Asian Development Bank

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Women's Participation in Local Mediation: Lessons from Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen

This report aims to illuminate the numerous and diverse ways that women mediate local conflicts across the Middle East and North Africa region. Drawing on case studies from Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen, it maps entry points, techniques and outcomes of women’s local mediation efforts. It asks: What type of conflicts do women usually mediate? Who are the mediators? How have women mediators negotiated local conflicts? It also discusses key themes: the relationship between local mediation and national peace processes; the role of social norms; what happens outside of negotiations; and the impact of digitalization on local mediation.

Authors: Jacqueline Parry
Publisher: UN Women
Publication Date: 2022
Copyright: UN Women

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Decentralisation reforms in the Western Balkans

Decentralisation, and implementation of the principle of subsidiarity, are at the heart of both EU accession negotiations with the Western Balkan countries and their accession-related reforms. As the region's six countries differ in population size, territory and history, their decentralisation models differ from each other as well. The European Commission and the European Parliament are closely monitoring these countries' overall progress in multi-level governance and in the implementation of the EU acquis on an annual basis.

Authors: Stanicek Branislav
Publisher: European Parliament
Publication Date: 2022
Copyright: European Union

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Urban Recovery Framework - Policy Brief 2022

When crisis disrupt the functioning of authorities, how do we ensure the continuation of service provision for citizen? How are recovery efforts financed when governments are unable to transfer funds? What approaches can help speeding up emergency recovery beyond institutions’ traditional mandates?

The Urban Recovery Framework (URF) is a key instrument to enhance response to urban crises. It introduces areas of action that can support recovery in urban areas effectively in times of crises, like natural disasters or conflict. The URF takes into account complex governance systems. It features multi-level and multi-actors arrangements and coordination mechanisms as well as the question of funding. Recovery interventions are also tackled in perspective of long-term resilience.

URF can also be used as a base for implementing the New Urban Agenda in crisis settings, building back better and working towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

Authors: UN-Habitat
Publisher: UN-Habitat
Publication Date: 2022
Copyright: UN-Habitat

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Slum Upgrading Legal Assessment Tool

Successful slum and informal settlement upgrading often depends on the legal framework in the country. A pro-poor regulatory setting for housing and land can be achieved by rethinking practical solutions favourable to the slum context. It is therefore fundamental to understand the structure and the way in which legal and regulatory frameworks support or hinder the development of informal settlements upgrading efforts. The Slum Upgrading Legal Assessment Tool helps practitioners and experts to identify strengths and weaknesses of the regulatory framework towards more pro-poor urban development.

Authors: Gianluca Crispi and Han Zhang
Publisher: UN-Habitat
Publication Date: 2022
Copyright: UN-Habitat 

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A Comparative Analysis of Tax Administration in Asia and the Pacific: Fifth Edition

Tax systems vary substantially across countries as well as regions. This edition analyses 38 cases across Asia and the Pacific, comparing tax systems and administrations. The analysis provides guidance to improve fiscal performance, especially where it has been weakened by the COVID-19 pandemic. Revenue bodies looking to boost fiscal capacities in the region can find useful information and data on similar economies. Besides outlining different institutional settings for revenue administration, the paper touches upon tax reform, innovative technologies, digital economies taxation, and resource management in fiscal administration.

Author: Asian Development Bank
Publisher: Asian Development Bank 
Publication Date: 2022
Copyright: Asian Development Bank

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Informality in Cities: Global Review Series

“The pandemic worsened the suffering of the urban poor and highlighted the need to be supported by public policies” - Greg Munro, Director of Cities Alliance.

In urban areas, poverty goes often undetected. Extracting data on informal structures, where most poor live, is challenging. To tackle the issue, Cities Alliance created a Global Task Force on Informality with the participation of the broader community of practice. The result of their joint efforts is a series of seven publications: the Global Review Series on Informality. The publications provide find in-depth information on slums management, risk reduction in the context of the pandemic, community-led mechanisms in informal settlements, as well as background paper introducing the issue of informality.  

Authors: various contributors
Publisher: Cities Alliance
Publication Date: 2021 - 2022
Copyright: Cities Alliance

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Priorities 2022–2023: Adequate Housing, Cities and Climate Change, and Localising the Sustainable Development Goals

By 2050 the majority of the world population is expected to live in urban areas. How will these be affected, considering the wide impact of the COVID pandemic and climate change? This publication sums up years of experience of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme  (UN Habitat) in sustainable urban development. Three action areas are identified: First, adequate housing to advance people’s wellbeing, addressing economic and social inclusion, digital access, personal safety and security, and healthy environments; second, enhance cities’ impact for climate solutions and increase access to local climate finance; third, localise the SDGs to enable effective multi-level governance for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The recommendations in the paper were presented at the High-level Meeting on the New Urban Agenda on 28 April.

Authors: UN-Habitat
Publisher: UN-Habitat
Publication Date: 2022
Copyright: UN-Habitat

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Women-Friendly Urban Planning: A Toolkit from Cities of the Global South

In cities traditionally planned for men by men, women and girls’ needs must be addressed explicitly. This Toolkit aims at facilitating the integration of women and girls into urban planning, especially in cities of the Global South. It provides knowledge and tools for local governments, urban practitioners, and organisations to mainstream gender at all stages of the project cycle. “Women-Friendly Urban Planning” was produced by Cities Alliance in collaboration with Womenability and sponsored by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA).

Authors: Womenability Association and Cities Alliance
Publisher: SIDA
Publication Date: 2022
Copyright: Cities Alliance

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