Webinar: Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2020 - Rebuilding Better

When: 15 December 2020, 06:00 pm CET

Where: Online

Apply by: Registration open


This webinar will focus on how to address the local economic development impacts of COVID-19. It will look at the issue of job losses and the need for the transitions of many workers—and firms—to new business models and sectors. The webinar will also explore how local development opportunities will change in the medium- and long-term, and how the pandemic has accelerated processes like digitalization and automation, or how it may cause migration to large cities to slow, given the rise in teleworking opportunities.


Join OECD iLibrary, the OECD Local Economic and Employment Development Programme, and Choice/ACRL for a presentation by OECD local employment and skills expert Karen Maguire to discuss strategies that local and regional authorities can consider to boost local job creation and promote more inclusive and sustainable economic growth in 2021.

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Find all the needed information and link for registration here.