Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) on Local Level in South-East Europe
This publication is part of NALAS project “Promoting e-learning and regional knowledge base development on gender-responsive budgeting”, supported in the framework of UN Women project “Promoting Gender Responsive Polices and Budgets: Towards Transparent, Inclusive and Accountable Governance in the Republic of North Macedonia”, and financed by Switzerland and Sweden.
Collected by NALAS gender associates and in cooperation with NALAS member associations of local authorities during 2021, the best practices focus on nine economies of the region (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Turkey, Slovenia and Serbia) and are related to the areas of gender participation, women’s economic empowerment, gender-based violence, sports, balancing work and life, and urban planning.
This compendium documents GRB best practices that were identified against the gender equality objectives set in the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life. The best practices are identified following a methodology that aims to detect explicit and tangible GRB initiatives. The initiatives included in the compendium demonstrate how the process of policymaking and budgeting on local level was reorganized to include gender perspective, how different GRB tools were applied and the impact on the status of women and men in the municipality. NALAS gathered the best practices through a questionnaire, designed to collect information about the implementation of past GRB practices at local level.
Read the full publication here.
NALAS also shares well prepared information on women’s representation in local governments on their website which can be found here.