Newsletter Archive

In issue No. 54 of the DeLoG Newsletter we introduce you to Mike Keshishian from USAID, invite you to apply for our revised E-Learning Course and as always provide you with news, courses and events in the field of DLG. Enjoy!

Besides providing a recap of DeLoG's latest webinars, DeLoG Newsletter No. 53 includes a captivating interview with Kelmend Zajazi from NALAS, one of DeLoG's newest network members. Enjoy the read!

Besides taking a closer look at initiatives for urban settings to build back better, DeLoG Newsletter No. 52 includes an insightful interview with Angela Sima from RoAid, one of DeLoG's newest members. Enjoy!

In addition to news on DeLoG's current activities like DeLoG's 15th Annual Meeting or its webinar series with ADB, LOGIN Asia and GIZ on COVID-19, this edition provides insight into Björn Möller and Johan Lilja's inspiring work at ICLD. Enjoy!

Besides providing updates on DeLoG's recent webinars and news from its members, partners and other stakeholders, DeLoG's 50th newsletter issue includes a captivating interview with Claudia Buentjen and Hanif Rahemtulla from ADB. Enjoy!

The focus of the 49th edition of the DeLoG Newsletter is on the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on local governance as well as their tailored responses to the pandemic. Moreover, cross-cutting issues for local development are addressed.


Besides updates on DeLoG's most recent activities, upcoming events, courses and publications in the area of DLG, the 48th editon of the DeLoG Newsletter includes an interview with Paolo Ciccarelli, Head of the European Commission’s DG DEVCO C5 Unit.

Welcome to issue No. 47 of the DeLoG Newsletter. Besides updates on the Network’s most recent activities, news on upcoming events, courses and publications, this issue features the Cities Alliance presented by Dr. Rene Peter Hohmann.

We are glad to present the new issue of the DeLoG newsletter with the latest activities of the network, news on upcoming events and recent publications. 'In profile' we feature our new network member LOGIN Asia, represented by Preeta Lall.

'In profile' we feature Ms. Micheline Gilbert. She is currently a Senior Governance Specialist providing support and advice at Global Affairs Canada as well as part of the DeLoG's Strategic Support Group. We gladly present you the report from this…